Monday, August 11, 2014

Emergency lighting

Imagine having no electrical power for months!  You have no lights and no way to get water for yourself and your family or livestock?  What would you do?  Primitive lights such as candles and oil lamps are an option, but using them creates the danger of fire in your home! You might have a windmill that could pump water for your livestock if it happened to be in good working condition and if the wind was blowing enough to generate a stream of water.  The reality of the situation is that you could find yourself in a mess in a hurry!  Advanced Power Incorporated wants you to be prepared for emergency situations.  Solar energy can be harnessed by the advanced technology of today’s solar panels.  These panels come in various watts and sizes to make water pumping and lighting kits affordable and reliable for the consumer.  
Our solar lighting kits take up little room, can provide light for up to six hours and may be used with a motion detector to provide light at just the right time.  These convenient systems are easily stored and can put your mind at ease, knowing you are ready for such a situation.
We also offer dependable, submersible water well pumping systems that can ensure your family and livestock have the water they need to survive. Now is the time to prepare for an emergency situation.  Make the call today and let us help you design a water pumping system that will safely provide drinking water and ensure your health and survival.